2nd draft [partim] – …and thou.

Previous | First | Full first draft

“I’m having lunch with someone special,” he said. “And I thought fruit would be a good idea but nothing here is really grabbing me. Juice sounds like a good idea…”

“Much more convenient,” she said. “No messing with seeds, or rinds, or sticky paws.” She laughed to herself. “And no need to worry about carrying the other half of the strawberry you couldn’t finish because someone decided it should be the size of a melon…” She shook her head and reached for a bottle on her left. “For someone special you’ll want something special,” she said, pulling the bottle from the rack and running her paw across the label. “My son makes this from his best grape. For a boy in love, one nummo, and I’ll throw in cups for free.” She pulled two tumblers from the top of the stack behind her; one was blue and the other pink.

Kohath took the colors as a good sign and paid the nummo, thanking the her sincerely. Bottle and cups went into his bag and he was back in the street. A simple lunch being provided for, he set off towards the park where he was to meet his fox.

WIP [coloring, partim] – Myces page 1

(Regarding the tags: I’ve decided for convenience’ sake to call Myces’ world “Terce”, in the way Maxim’s is “Nother”, so from here on out you can watch that tag for things set here even if Myces doesn’t appear in them.)

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WIP – Blake.

I’m going to take this somewhere eventually. Previous/First

Things were not turning my way, though, as I got ready. I’d lost a button on my favorite shirt; I cut my fingers trimming my facial fur, and when I went down to the bus stop in the rain—did I mention it was raining, too?—when I got to the bus stop, I saw my bus had already left.

WIP – Rabbit.

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Magni – final b&w


This is probably all the pencil work Magni’s profile pic is going to get. Next comes starting to color…

1st draft [partim] – The day Ralph and I switched places.


Ralph didn’t intervene as I tried to recover. I was glad of it, too—I was embarrassed enough I needed to be alone. By the time I’d calmed down, wiped my face, and felt I could face the world again—or at least try—dinner had already ended.

Fair enough; maybe I could face the world, but I didn’t really feel like facing campus again today.

I missed Ralph. Stupid evening shifts.

I headed back to his place, and I was so distracted by my own thoughts about my future that I didn’t notice Ralph had taken over my body again till we were walking through the front door. He went to his weight room, sat me down on a bench, and we started pumping iron.



From a game idea I haven’t gotten around to doing much on yet, this is Roquefort aka Rock aka Maggio, a surly piratical cook.

1st draft [partim] – Mori


The kelvin handed me his candle and crossed his arms, still watching Munk waving his spear at the ram.

“Munk!” I said.

He came back to the edge of the arena where I was. The ram stayed put, watching.

The whole place was just too quiet. I jumped down on the golem’s head and took the spear.

The monster started charging again.

I took the candle and lit the spear on fire below the head. Whatever wood it was made of caught fire easily—thank heaven—and blazed.

I took aim at the oncoming beast.

“I hope this works,” I said.

2nd draft [partim] – Scott the Alchemist 3

Previous/First part of second draft (NSFW) | Full first draft (NSFW)

“I love you, Scott,” he said into my shoulder. “You couldn’t know how special you are to me…”

“I… I—”

“I wanted to belong to you,” he said. “Do you have any idea what kind of power a big cat like you has over a mouse like me?”


“From the moment I met you… and you and me got along like a dream…”


“…doing my best to get Flair interested in you so we could play together…”



“I… I didn’t know you felt so strongly,” I said.

“But I get it, you’re only interested in humans,” he said. “Well, here: make me human.”


“I know you know how. Flair doesn’t know I skipped work to come see you; he doesn’t have to know about this, either. I’ll give up being normal for you… just please take me…”


“Do it!”

I could. It would be easy. I wanted to—he was breaking my heart. But… “You’re not leaving Flair for me,” I said. “You’re special to me too—more than anybody—but I’m not going to be ‘that guy’.”

WIP – Myces page 4

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