There’s some places that just make you afraid to be in.
The club definitely qualified. My stomach trembled as I sat in the parking lot outside.
The name was not printed on the outside, and the anxieties started there.
Well, of course you could tell from the people going inside that it was obviously the place.
The anxieties continued, of course, with the people going inside.
There’s no way I could go inside, really. This was the point where I generally gave up, turned around, and drove home.
I shut my eyes, and breathed.
There was a knock at the passenger-side window. I opened my eyes and a supremely unattractive older man was there, cigarette in his mouth.
I reached out and locked the door. He got the hint and moved on.
That is not going to be me, I am not going to be that—
I looked at the door of the club again and more absolutely unattainable and mystifying people were going in.
I gave up, turned around, and drove home.