Posts Tagged scraps

Scrap – Blake

This is actually almost too small to post, but then I guess most of my scraps are.  This is sort of a new quasi-didactic project I wanted to start, and I spent most of this writing period trying to figure out who’d be involved and what they were like.  It’ll be Blake and a new character, a marten by the name of Emmett.

It was my first date with Blake. Sure, we’d hung out with friends before, run into each other on the promenade, but tonight I’d asked him out officially; he’d given me that subtle smile of his and said “Sure thing, marten.”

I was pretty nervous.

Scrap – Shine

This scrap is short because my writing hour was sort of cut into by a buddy who had a drama attack. I was going to explain that Jan had been getting a little tubby from having Shine-sized meals with his tiger and the two of them were going to go to Chinatown and enjoy a bunch of time on the subway.   But that’ll just have to wait now, won’t it? Remember kids, just say no to drama!  [This has been a public service message by the Committee to Make Post Descriptions Longer Than The Posts Themselves.]

I sat on the balcony with Jan and watched the sun go down over the city.  It felt like it was going to be a pretty warm night.  I took my fox’s hand and led him back through the apartment and out the front door.

“Where are we going?” he said.

“Anywhere we want.”

“How about food?”

Scrap – Kohath

I’ve been wanting to finish Kaido no Yume for a long time now.  The main problem with that plan is that I’ve already written the ending, and I’d like to find it before I start filling in the rest.  So this is just a scribble on what happens afterwards.

It was the day after that—that—

I still can’t call it a dream. It left me so… so sore, really. Inside and out. I’d been someone else for so long, and my muscles had to get used to being Kohath again.

It’d only been one night.

I wasn’t sure what to do next. I mean, obviously, back to life, such as it was. But had I learned anything? Was I supposed to have?

I stayed in bed, confused. What do you do when your life has ended but you’re still living?

I missed Iisera.

No, actually—I was grieving for it.

Couldn’t have been just a dream, then—I’m not that messed up, am I?

It’s too darn cold in here.

I wanted to stay in bed, but I couldn’t; hunger, the call of nature, and a vague feeling I was supposed to do something with my day soon forced me out of bed.

The lunar winds were still howling. I resisted the urge to chime in.

I’m a wolf, right.

Sometimes… Sometimes the wolves are silent and the moon is howling. I’d read that somewhere.

I felt like I hadn’t read anything in years.

Anyway, up. Call of nature, attended to. For hunger, a quick sandwich. And I continued to wonder what I was supposed to do with my day.

Scrap – Mr Shine’s New Home.

This is more or less random writing as I don’t currently have a Shine story I’m working on; still kind of feeling around for a plot. Ends kind of abruptly, but improvements have to wait till next round, or else I’d never put anything down. :p I think they end up by sleeping outside for a while.

It took us a while before we could save up to rent an apartment, but once we did, things just started turning up all over. Actually having a place to keep groceries really helped kill the expense of eating out for every meal.

I remember the first day — the day we moved in. I threw my pack in a corner of the empty living room and sprawled out on the carpet. “Ahhh,” I said, pulling Jan to me, throwing his shadow to the wall. “The life, babe. How’s it feel to be off the streets?”

I was excited, yeah. But my fox wasn’t.


He lay across my belly, and his face was as sad as I’ve ever seen it. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s like we’ve got nothing, all over again.”

“We never had anything, really… did we?”

“The whole city was ours. Now we get to be put in boxes all over again. Tiny little boxes…”

I held him.

“I don’t want to be… all cooped up again, like I was before.”